
Charge to the Committee

This committee serves as a principal means of communication among faculty, students, administration, and staff on all matters relating to the use of information technology. It reviews University policies, plans, and priorities relating to computing, networking, and information technology resources, and when it deems appropriate, suggests revisions.

Membership will consist of:

  • Four faculty (one from each division: arts and humanities; natural sciences; social sciences; and physical education, recreation, and athletics)
  • Chief information technology officer
  • University librarian
  • Representative of the core curriculum
  • Two students (elected by the student senate)
  • Three non-faculty employees

Meeting Times

  • First Tuesday of the month, 4 p.m.
  • As needed

Agenda and Minutes

  • Available from committee chair as requested

Members 2024-25

Niranjan Davray, Chief Information OfficerEx Officio
Courtney Young, University LibrarianNoah Apthorpe (COSC Rep)
Jeff Nugent, Co-Director of CLTR, Director of Learning & Applied Innovation 
Krista Ingram, Chair2025
*Scott Mehl2026 (H)
Richard Klotz2027 (SS)
Robert (Rob) Davis2025 (NS)
TBD2025 (PE)
Monica Facchini2027 (US)
Ellen Holm(Staff)
Drew Porter(Staff)
Michael Holobosky(Staff)
Andres Carvajal Sanchez(S)
*Harper McDermott(S)

*S. Mehl â€“ replaced by Ben Lennertz (fall 2024)
*H. McDermott â€“ replaced by Jaden Coley (spring 2025)